Almeida, A., Feria, J., Golpe, A., & Vides, J. C. (2024). Financial assets against inflation: Capturing the hedging properties of gold, housing prices, and equities. National Accounting Review, 6(3), 314-332.
Almeida, A., Golpe, A. A., Martín-Alvarez, J. M., & Vides, J. C. (2023). Brent vs. West Texas Intermediate in the US petro derivatives price formation. Petroleum Science.
Martín-Álvarez, J. M., Almeida, A., Golpe, A. A., & Asensio, E. (2023). Electronic device or regulated tobacco product? Learning from the diffusion of heated tobacco products in Spain. Public Health, 219, 61-66.
ALMEIDA, A., GOLPE, A. A., MARTÍN, J. M., & VIDES, J. C. (2023). The Effect of the US Quantitative Easing on the Term Structure. A Spatial Panel Model. Finance a Uver: Czech Journal of Economics & Finance, 73(1).
Almeida, A., Golpe, A. & Justo, R. (2021). From Hot to Cold. A Spatial Analysis of Entrepreneurship in the United States. Papers in Regional Science.
Congresos y Workshops
XXXI Encuentro ed Economía Pública (2024), Pamplona, España.
World Finance Banking Symposium (2023) (Presenter and discussant), Vilnius, Lithuania.
XXX Encuentro de Economía Pública (2023) (Presenter and discussant), Badajoz, España.
World Finance Banking Symposium (2021). (Presenter, discussant and chair), Budapest, Hungría.
I Congreso de Turismo Ibérico (2021), Badajoz, España.
XIV Labour Economics Meeting (2021). (Member of the Organizing Committee) Online (UNIR), España.
The 25th APDR Workshop - Social Innovation Towards Sustainability: Embracing Contemporary Challenges for Regional Development is approaching. (2020), Faro, Portugal.
II, III y IV Doctoral Workshop (DECOFIN - UHU), Huelva, España.
XIII Labour Economics Meeting (2019). (Member of the Organizing Committee), Huelva, España.
79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2019), Boston, USA.
Spatial analysis.
Machine Learning business and economic research.
Economics of tobacco control.
Vertical Spillovers in Spatial Econometrics.